Archive for August 7, 2006


make-me-happy.jpgI was tempted to title this post “Priscilla: Queen of the Template” but that reference might be lost on most of you…

Priscilla has come up with another sensational free template on her blog. How cool is that?? I’ve altered it a bit, but as the “bones” were there it took no time at all.

The papers are Huggy, from PDW. Super bright, super colourful, but then again, so is my nephew.

Feels like Spring has come early this year. It was a beautiful day today but it’s a freezing clear night outside tonight. The daffodils are up in our garden, and there are blossoms in the trees. Now there’s a thought. I should head out with the camera and Mr A in the pram. I’m sure he’d be up to it – sleep doesn’t seem like a high priority on his wish list these days.

Catch ya…

August 7, 2006 at 9:32 pm 2 comments

Happy Monday…

karen_hunt_snuffy_sample_6001.jpgGood morning! The start of another week already??

Mr L is treading very thin ice with me this morning. And it all started because he wanted to keep a piece of plastic that came with a t-shirt yesterday. *sigh* I just don’t get it.

Mr A, on the other hand, sounds like an expresso machine, with all his gurgling and frothing. He is desperately trying to crawl. karen_hunt_chirpy_sample_350.jpgLast night he wore himself out laughing, in absolute hysterics over Mr L’s dancing. Such a lovely sound.

I’ve been working on some paper piecings patterns, and needed some nice paper to show them off, so I made some paper packs over the weekend. Loving the bright colours of Chirpy and the patterns of Snuffy. Makes me smile.
Don’t ask me about the names. I have no idea either.

karen_hunt_sewing_box_circle_stitches_freebie_set_41.jpgAnd here’s this week’s freebie… I need to get my act together and put the matching papers up at SBB. So many ideas, so little time…

Catch ya…

August 7, 2006 at 8:11 am 22 comments

August 2006
