Archive for August 30, 2006


Ok, call me a bit slow, but I had an epiphany on the way out today. I was driving along, the weather was beautiful, Mr A was sitting in the back and we were going to see a friend who I’d just been talking to on the phone. I felt happy. And then it hit me – so obvious that maybe I’d realised it before, but never conscientiously boiled it down to one sentence.

Real happiness comes from making connections with other people.

I started to think about what makes me feel happy – and although the gorgeous weather, the fact I love my car, my camera and my computer, going on holiday next week makes me happy – real happiness, happinessĀ that stays with me, is all to do with my interactions with other people. My sons, my husband, my parents, my family, my friends – they all make me happy. I get happiness when people use one of my kits or when someone leaves a message on my blog. These happy things last in my mind much longer than the “material” things.

Obvious, hey? But a nice thought, all the same.

Part of this came about, I think, because Mr A had his 6 month check up today. The usual health nurse was away, and the replacement was the one I’d seen with Mr L – she was delighted to see me, to know our family has expanded and was full of questions about Mr L and his quirky ways. It was so nice to see her and catch up and she remembered so much about Mr L. Mr A, of course, is thriving, and is the same size Mr L was at 10 months! 70 cm long and well over 20 pound now – that explains my sore back!

Time for some R&R minus the computer I think.

Catch ya…

ETA: I came back to answer an email, and my dear husband has just handed me a note. It’s a handwritten thank you for folding the washing – 3 note pages long, full of in-jokes. That’s exactly what I mean. Connection = happiness.

August 30, 2006 at 9:02 pm 1 comment

August 2006
